Friday, December 9, 2011

Gap Creek- By Robert Morgan (Review)

Author: Robert Morgan
ISBN: 9781565127425
Sold by: Barnes & Noble


There is a most unusual woman living in Gap Creek. Julie Harmon works hard, "hard as a man," they say, so hard that at times she's not sure she can stop. People depend on her to slaughter the hogs and nurse the dying. People are weak, and there is so much to do. She is just a teenager when her little brother dies in her arms. That same year she marries and moves down into the valley where floods and fire and visions visit themselves on her, and con men and drunks and lawyers come calling.
Julie and her husband discover that the modern world is complex and that it grinds ever on without pause or concern for their hard work. To survive, they must find out whether love can keep chaos and madness at bay.
Robert Morgan's latest novel, Gap Creek, returns his readers to the vivid world of the Appalachian high country. Julie and Hank's new life in the valley of Gap Creek in the last years of the nineteenth century is more complicated than the couple ever imagined. Sometimes it's hard to tell what to fear most-the fires and floods or the flesh-and-blood grifters, drunks, and busybodies who insinuate themselves into their new lives. Their struggles with nature, with work, with the changing century, and with their disappointments and triumphs make this a riveting follow-up to Morgan's acclaimed novel, The Truest Pleasure.


Gap Creek was an inspiring read for me. This story can show you how hard times could be and makes you take a look at your own life. It gives you a great view of what live could have been like back then. By the end of the book, I was pulled in and couldn't put the book down. I just had to find out what happened to Julie and Hank. 

I was disappointed because of the fact that nothing good came out of this story for the young couple. It seemed like the more they tried, the harder they kept falling. The story ended too soon for my liking. I would have liked it to end on a better note. Perhaps Julie seeing her Mom and sisters for the first time since she left home. 
Other than that, it's a great read. (****) I give this book four (4) stars.


Lanre said...

Your review alone makes of feel sorry for the couple. It's hard to believe that it life can be so harsh on such a diligent couple when the popular belief is, 'hardwork pays'. Perhaps luck just wasn't on their side. Nice review

Diane said...

Sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for your honest review. Hugs and have a blessed New Year! :O)


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